Student Association in NY,(FTSANY) hosted the “27th FTSANY Handover Ceremony”.
Education Division invited the TLA Law, Attorney at Law, PLLC , Attorney Nien-Tzu Kuo over
to share her working background and experience with the students about how to obtain
internship visas, working visas and residence rights in the United States. Miss Kuo graduated
from the Columbia University School of Law with a master's degree and has been working for
three years at Daniel Law firm. Deputy Director Jennifer Wang from the Education Division
was invited to attend to the ceremony. And she encouraged the student, during the school in
addition to the need to face the pressure of school life, the ability to participate in the
organization of work is by virtue of a love and dedication to complete. (With more than 4
thousand Taiwanese students) in the four districts of the four districts, and also hope that the
association will create a richer and meaningful future in the next year to benefit all overseas