MOE Recruits More Foreign English Teaching Talents in 2023 Applications for 2023/2024 academic year recruitment is open Service Duration: From August/September, 2023 to June/July, 2024 Building an English-speaking environment for primary/secondary students, the Ministry of Education (MOE) will recruit 411 foreign English teachers and 411 foreign English teaching assistants in 2023. Foreigners whose official or common language is English and who are passionate about English teaching are welcome to apply online at https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw/. TFETP is made on a rolling basis, which means that the program will close once all of the available places have been filled. There is intense competition for admission; early applications have a greater chance of being successful and of meeting visa deadlines. Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program Website:https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw/ Contact Us:[email protected] ![]()
「2022 APEC創新創業與未來工作型態論壇:後疫情時代下加速區域經濟復甦與女性及青年數位包容」2022年論壇題目為「APEC創新創業與未來工作型態論壇:後疫情時代下加速區域經濟復甦與女性及青年數位包容」 (APEC Forum on Entrepreneurship for the Future of Work: Accelerating Regional Economic Recovery and Digital Inclusion for Women and Youth in the Post Pandemic Era)
第一日將辦理「APEC創新創業與未來工作型態論壇」,分成三大主題講座,分享我國提倡青年創業與推動中小型企業創新創業能量與後疫情時代創新創業趨勢。第一階段主題講座將邀請國內專家分享最新創新創業趨勢,以及針對未來工作型態的創新創業數位轉型做分享。第二階段將邀請數位醫療等領域,具有國際市場發展經驗的國內新創公司以及在APEC區域內發展的外國新創公司團隊分享他們的創業經驗故事與教授投售(pitch)技巧;每階段主題講座結束後將安排約20分鐘的交流時間(networking session),讓與會者可以與講者自由互動、諮詢建議,甚至尋求創業機會。 第二日同樣為「APEC創新創業與未來工作型態論壇」,第一階段將辦理女性創業座談,邀請我國AI、IoT、生醫科技、網路媒體等領域之女創業家與會分享,藉由邀請國內與其他APEC區域成功女性創業家進行分享,鼓勵年輕女性及提供資源協助於數位科技這類非傳統領域持續學習進而創業。第二階段為區域創業資源分享,將邀請創新創業加速器來講解如何運用有效資源,達到創業目的。第三階段將邀請其他經濟體對於新創所發展的創新創業計畫之最佳範例分享,以期達到APEC區域育成中心的目標。 第三日將辦理「第二屆APEC區域青年數位創新創業競賽」決選,邀請APEC區域經濟體組隊與我國之青年學子共同就數位創新創業分享他們的創業計畫,我們也將邀請國際創投公司與創業育成中心之代表與會提供專業建議,並請他們就團隊之創業構想之發表內容評分,於活動結束後於活動網站公布APEC青年創新創業競賽之名次。第一名之創業團隊將獲得3萬元獎金,依次是2萬元獎金及1萬元獎金,另取三名優秀團隊獎,給予每組5000元獎金之獎勵(此獎金制度僅限給予能實際來台參與發表之團隊)。 日期 2022年11月16日至18日 目標對象 18-30歲有志創業青年 更多資訊請參考 taipeiyie.com/2022-forum/ 駐美國代表處提醒台灣留學生、旅美國人及僑胞提高警覺,慎防詐騙犯罪
此類電話詐騙也有誆稱是銀行、領事館及政府單位等類似態樣,指控受話人涉嫌洗錢、簽證問題或其他嚴重危害情況等,將遭刑事調查,進而要求提供個資或金錢供其暫管等,駐美代表處在此提醒旅美國人提高警覺,倘接到類似詐騙電話,千萬不要聽信對方指示提供個資或匯款,並請紀錄電話細節,藉由相關單位官方網站或聯絡方式查證。此外,民眾亦可查詢FBI(https://www.fbi.gov/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and-crimes)及Federal Trade Commission(https://consumer.ftc.gov/features/scam-alerts)網站瞭解最新詐騙手法及應對方式。 若已遭詐騙,例如已提供護照資訊,請向駐美代表處及各辦事處重新申辦護照;若是個資已洩漏或已遭詐騙金錢,除立即報警並申請止付,同時可向FBI(https://www.ic3.gov/)備案,並於Federal Trade Commission(http://reportfraud.ftc.gov/) 備案,以防範個資遭盜用衍生之法律責任。切莫懊悔自責,若心理上難以調適,請向心理健康單位或親友尋求協助及開導。 海外常見詐騙手法 整理及預防Now accepting applications for The Ministry of Education's 2022 Taiwan Scholarship!
2022年教育部 臺灣獎學金 即日起開放申請,歡迎轄區四州有興趣赴臺灣研習的學生踴躍申請。 2022 Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program (TFETP)Taiwan Ministry of Education wants you! MOE has been actively recruiting qualified teachers to teach in K-9 public schools in Taiwan. The goals of the program are to broaden English immersion experiences of Taiwan’s young minds and to establish inter-school relationships between the English speaking Countries and Taiwan. Applicants with a bachelor’s degree or higher with a teacher’s license are eligible to apply. Benefits for teachers include a subsidy of round-trip airfare, housing stipends, overtime pay, insurance, and monthly salary based on their educational background and teaching experience. The Fall 2022 recruitment has started from January 1st, 2022 on a rolling basis. For application requirements and program details please visit https://www.edutwny.org/teaching-in-taiwan-tfetp.html. Applicants must apply through Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program (TFETP) website: https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw/en/tfetp/web/apply_now 美國留學生新型冠狀病毒防疫資訊 CoronaVirus (Covid-19) notice:駐紐約辦事處教育組有關COVID-19防疫最新資訊、台灣留學生於疫情期間返回台灣應注意事項等資訊,請閱讀本組COVID-19新冠病毒公告專頁
疫情期間本組提醒所有台灣留學生做好自我防護,留意身體健康狀況! As the COVID-19 Coronavirus spreads rapidly around the world, the Education Division at TECO would like to remind all students to self-isolate and maintain safe social distance whether or not you are exhibiting symptoms. As of March 25, 2020, Stay At Home orders have been issued in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and parts of Pennsylvania, in addition to many other states across the US. If you develop symptoms such as a cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, please contact your local health department or your nearest urgent care clinic. 台灣教育資訊 Education Programs
(917) 743-4546 全球急難救助免費專線: 011-800-0885-0885 駐紐約辦事教育組聯絡資訊: 電話:(212)317-7389 (212)317-7385 留學生學歷、文件認證,簽證與護照問題請洽領務組(領務組網頁)
Questions on visas, passports, or document authentication, contact Consular Division (web) : T: 212.486.0088 | F: 212.421.7866 Email: [email protected] |
活動花絮 Education division events
1. 促進大紐約地區臺灣學生會會長(或幹部)經驗分享及資訊交流。
2. 邀請各同學會會長(或幹部) 分享疫情期間同學會之運作方式及活動規劃。
3. 教育組說明服務項目及重點事項傳達。
4. 共同商討疫情期間物資及資訊交流,及各同學會間跨校合作之可能性。
5. 共有32位轄區大學會長及幹部出席線上會議。
中華青少棒2019年小馬聯盟世界錦標賽奪冠 ,十度稱霸8/31教育組迎新2019年世界盃電腦應用技能競賽 我國好手勇奪冠軍2019美洲教育者年會美國華府登場 臺灣積極拓展多元學術合作4/5日佩斯大學臺灣同學會紐約辦事處參觀行2/28教育組與台大醫學院校友會北美分會共同舉辦「臺灣人醫學與生命科學職涯研討會」(Taiwanese Biomedical Career Development Symposium): |
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