駐紐約教育組服務區 :
康州(CT)、紐澤西州(NJ)、紐約州(NY)、賓州(PA) 駐紐約臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組於1992年設立,係教育部派駐在大紐約地區之單位,旨在辦理美國大紐約地區留學生及其組織之聯繫、輔導;大紐約地區學術及教育資料之蒐集、交換事項;大紐約地區學者專家赴臺訪問、講學之聯繫、協助;大紐約地區學生赴臺留學之初步審核事項;出國進修人員之聯繫、輔導;文教體育團體及人員出國從事有關國際文化活動之聯繫及國際學術文化交流、聯繫、合作等事項。2004年,本組成立了紐約臺灣教育資料中心。本中心旨在推動及協助美加東部地區外籍人士申請赴臺研習中文或攻讀大學部及研究所課程等,但後因經費考量,「臺灣教育資料中心」於2009年停止辦理。 除依規定辦理教育部交辦事項外,更著重於加強與主流機關學校建立交流合作關係,另外,也配合臺灣書院成立後之各協辦事項,並積極推廣教育部交辦之各項華語文正體字教學推動計畫。 教育組服務項目
About UsRepresenting Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York (TECO-NY), aims to promote educational relationships between Taiwan and the 4 states of Connecticut (CT), New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), and Pennsylvania (PA). Our staff is committed to providing the best possible assistance to scholars, students, educators, and government officials in the region.
Since its inception in 1992 as the "Cultural Division," the Education Division has been providing information about Taiwan's education to individuals and organizations. This includes helping institutes of higher learning build academic links and cooperative programs; assisting self-funded and government-sponsored Taiwanese students pursue studies in the region; facilitating exchange visits of officials, scholars, and teachers; administering scholarships to American students; and sponsoring various cultural and educational activities. From 2004 to 2009, the Cultural Division set up the "Taiwan Educational Information Center" (TEIC), which promoted Taiwan's various educational opportunities. Its aim was to facilitate Americans undertaking intensive language training and/or pursuing degree programs in Taiwan. Our Services