Nov 10-14. United Nations Headquarters, Grand Hyatt.
Join us for the most realistic simulation of the United Nations
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***WFUNA INTERNATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS WFUNA International Model United Nations (WIMUN) is the world's most accurate simulation of
the United Nations and is the flagship Model UN conference hosted and organized by the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA).
Located at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, WFUNA has worked closely with the UN Department of Public Information (UNDPI) to
precisely simulate the United Nations in Model UN programs and provide students with the most realistic experience possible.
The WIMUN conference features intensive training workshops taught by UN officials, briefings on important agenda items by UN Agencies, and conference
sessions at the United Nations Headquarters. WIMUN is the first Model UN to collaborate so closely with the UN and to implement official UNDPI Model
UN platform “UN4MUN” on such a large scale. WIMUN is an opportunity for youth empowerment through civic engagement and understanding of relevant
global issues.
WIMUN 2015 WIMUN 2015 will take place November 10-14 in New York City at the United Nations Headquarters and Grand Hyatt New York and is expecting 700 student delegates in attendance from all corners of the world.
The conference theme “Global Transformation: The Sustainable Development Goals” and the selected issues on the UN agenda challenges all participants to engage actively with the Post- 2015 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals to make a strong and meaningful contribution to the ongoing dialogue.
The second annual WFUNA International Model UN will discuss topics currently on the UN agenda and simulate the following Councils and Committees: University Division
• United Nations Security Council: “The conflict in DR Congo”
• General Assembly First Committee: “The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects ”
• General Assembly Second Committee: “Stimulating effective economic development of LLDCs”
• General Assembly Sixth Committee: “The rule of law at the national and international levels” High School Division
• United Nations Security Council: “The situation in Yemen”
• General Assembly Third Committee: “Promoting equal rights for indigenous peoples” • General Assembly Fourth Committee: “Effects of atomic radiation”