當日座談邀請在法拉盛經營非常成功的台灣日出茶太企業主管Kent Wang ,及在美國展店逾2000家的CoCot茶飲企業主管 Sam Lin分享台資企業在紐約的創業經驗與心得。基隆市中小學校長們對於台資企業的創業精神與開拓市場的謀略深感敬佩,也將鼓勵學生及家長們勇於踏出舒適圈,及早培養學生的創新及創業精神。
楊敏玲主任於9月27日接待基隆市政府教育處中小學校長創客( Maker )參訪團,並聯合駐紐約辦事處經濟組孫良輔主任共同規劃、主持法拉盛台資企業參訪及座談。 當日座談邀請在法拉盛經營非常成功的台灣日出茶太企業主管Kent Wang ,及在美國展店逾2000家的CoCot茶飲企業主管 Sam Lin分享台資企業在紐約的創業經驗與心得。基隆市中小學校長們對於台資企業的創業精神與開拓市場的謀略深感敬佩,也將鼓勵學生及家長們勇於踏出舒適圈,及早培養學生的創新及創業精神。 臺灣現任立法委員許毓仁(Jason Hsu)接受耶魯大學邀請,於9月18日在Jackson Institute for Global Affairs 發表專題演講,演講主題為: 「Block Chain, Democracy, and Global Transparency」,駐紐約辦事處教育組楊敏玲主任前往参與討論,耶魯大學台灣學會張昌佑會長、郭展副會長及公費生程偉亦出席參加。座談會後楊主任並陪同許毓仁立委會晤 Dr. Emma Sky, Director of Yale World Fellows Program, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs ,洽談合作事宜。 輔仁大學107學年度春季班外國學生申請入學
線上申請期間 10月1日至10月31日 申請入學網站 http://idsa.oie.fju.edu.tw Fu Jen Catholic University International Student Admission for Spring 2019 Online application October 1 to October 31 Admission website http://idsa.oie.fju.edu.tw Vacancy of Academic Post at National Chengchi University, TAIWAN
The Department of Land Economics at National Chengchi University is seeking a full-time faculty member for the field of Economics of Real Estate Market. This post is open for assistant professor, associate professor or full professor. The applicant must hold a PhD degree. Courses expected to teach include three undergraduate courses, “Real Estate Management” , “Case Study in Real Estate” , “Economic Analysis of Real Estate” , and one graduate course related to “Economics of Real Estate Market” proposed by the applicant. Two of the above-mentioned four courses, including “Economic Analysis of Real Estate” and one graduate course related to “Economics of Real Estate Market” are required to be taught in English. However, the rest two courses could be taught in either English or Chinese. The applicant is required to submit the documents as follows: 1. Curriculum vitae and a list of previous academic publications (three copies) 2. Doctoral dissertation (three copies) 3. Major academic publications (three copies) 4. Photocopy of PhD degree certificate 5. Both of PhD and Master Degree academic transcripts 6. Two reference letters 7. Photocopy of teacher’s certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C, if available The shortlisted applicants will be informed in due time for an interview. Applicants who come for the interview shall submit in advance the presentation materials and teaching plan. For applicants who hold a degree from overseas, the degree certificates need to be verified by ROC’s embassies and missions overseas in accordance with the resolution of the University’s committee for teacher evaluation. The appointment is expected to begin on August 1st, 2019. All application materials must arrive at the following address no later than 5 p.m. of December 17th , 2018. Committee for Teacher Evaluation Department of Land Economics No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd. Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605 Taiwan R.O.C. For further information, please contact Miss Chen Telephone: 886-2-29393091 extension 50642 Fax: 886-2-29390251 Email: [email protected] 公開徵選內容: 國立政治大學地政學系徵聘「不動產市場經濟」領域專任教師一名 求才內容:助理教授(含)以上(限具博士學位者) 教授「不動產管理」、「不動產個案分析」、「不動產經濟分析」等三門大學部課程,並自訂一門【不動產市場經濟領域】相關之碩博班課程。四門課程中之「不動產經濟分析」與自訂【不動產市場經濟領域】相關之碩博班課程,要求英文授課;其餘兩門課程,可以英文或中文授課。 第一階段所需文件: 1.個人履歷表及歷年學術研究著作目錄(三份) 2.博士論文(三份) 3.重要著作(三份) 4.最高學歷證件 5.碩、博士班成績單 6.推薦信二封 7.如有教師證書者,務請加附證書影本 第一階段審查合格者,將另外通知面試;屆時並請事先提交研究成果簡報資料及教學計畫。 如係國外學歷,依本校教師評審委員會決議,應將學歷證件先行送駐外單位驗證。 預訂起聘日:民國108年8月1日 收件截止日:民國107年12月17日下午5時前寄達 收件地址:116台北市文山區指南路2段64號國立政治大學地政學系辦公室 國立政治大學地政學系教師評審委員會收 聯絡電話:(02)2939-3091分機50642 傳真號碼:(02)2939-0251 電子郵件:[email protected] 承辦人:陳助教 Vacancy of Academic Post at National Chengchi University, TAIWAN The Department of Land Economics at National Chengchi University is seeking a full-time faculty member for the field of Economics of Real Estate Market. This post is open for assistant professor, associate professor or full professor. The applicant must hold a PhD degree. Courses expected to teach include three undergraduate courses, “Real Estate Management” , “Case Study in Real Estate” , “Economic Analysis of Real Estate” , and one graduate course related to “Economics of Real Estate Market” proposed by the applicant. Two of the above-mentioned four courses, including “Economic Analysis of Real Estate” and one graduate course related to “Economics of Real Estate Market” are required to be taught in English. However, the rest two courses could be taught in either English or Chinese. The appointment is expected to begin on August 1st, 2019. For more information, please enter the link below:https://landeconomics.nccu.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=1536, or contact Miss Chen Telephone: 886-2-29393091 extension 50642 Fax: 886-2-29390251 Email: [email protected] Ministry of Education and National Taiwan University create a free online course “Learning Chinese: Start from Scratch”
According to the “Ethnologue: Languages of the World” website, there are now 1.1 billion Chinese users in the world, roughly 1/7 of the world’s population, and more and more people are learning Chinese. “Chinese Fever” has been spreading like wild fire in the past decade, and in response, the Ministry of Education and National Taiwan University have created a new online course for learning Chinese: “Learning Chinese: Start from Scratch”. The course is being offered on Coursera, the largest MOOCs platform in the world (Website: https://www.coursera.org/learn/learn-chinese-mandarin), and it will be free for all learners. It can also be used by educators as a supplementary teaching resource. The course is designed for beginner-level learners of Chinese and spans six weeks. Everyday scenarios and conversations, and videos, photos, animation, and comics are used throughout the course to enhance memorization and understanding. Features:
The course starts on Coursera on August 31 and it will then be repeated every six weeks. Learners can register on Coursera using their e-mail or Facebook account from August 20. Anyone is welcome to register at any time. The Digital Learning Center of National Taiwan University will hold several workshops for educators on ways to use this online course. Please visit its website for more details. (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/) 隨著學習華語的人愈來愈多,華語已成為21世紀的強勢語言「華語熱」這個名詞在過去10年間的討論度、曝光率一直居高不下,根據民族語言網統計,全球華語使用者已達到11億人,占全球人口七分之一,各國也紛紛投入資源學習華語。為滿足此大量需求與推廣華語學習,教育部與國立臺灣大學合作攜手推出「零到一學中文」中文學習線上課程,並於全球最大MOOCs國際學習平臺Coursera進行課程教學(課程網址:https://www.coursera.org/teach/learn-chinese-mandarin),將免費提供給海內外學習進修者另一線上學習華語管道,也可提供給華語教學的教師作為輔助教材
June 2023