This March, TASA is bringing the most talented young cellist and celebrity Ou-Yang Nana to Recital Hall for a meaningful cause.
Ou-Yang Nana will be performing on Sunday, March 29th, raising money for THON next year. All the profits will go to THON. It is never too early to act for a good cause!
At the age of 14, Ou-yang Nana has far more musical accomplishments than her peers. She held a series of concert tour throughout Taiwan, making each the best selling box-office. Also, she was the youngest cellist ever to perform a solo recital in the National Concert Hall of Taiwan. In addition, She is currently studying in the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music Philadelphia. The media worldwide has recognized her as a future rising star in the classical music industry.
Time: Sunday March 29th 6:30PM
Location: Esber Recital Hall (First Floor of Music Building)
Ticket Donation Information:
TASA member ticket - $8
Nonmember ticket - $10
VIP Package (including VIP seat and sign autograph) - $25
For VIP package, please contact Demi Chen - (814) 441-5600
Tickets are LIMITED, so reserve now at:
(Deadline for reservation is 3/21 11:59PM)
Tickets will be available from 3/23-3/27
Ticket Sales Location: HUB
For information, please visit TASA Facebook page
Or contact us directly
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Hansen Xu (814) 883-0338
Winnie Liu (814) 777-5639
We can’t wait to see you guys there!
Penn State TASA x歐陽娜娜 慈善音樂會x Benefiting THON!
就是這個三月,TASA邀請到了世界上最年輕也最有天分的大提琴演奏家及出演“北愛”的演員-歐陽娜娜來到Penn State 為大家帶來最為精彩、最為震撼的音樂演出。
音樂會將於3月29日 ( 星期日) 於 Recital Hall舉行,所有所得將捐贈給THON,讓我們一起為明年THON的募款加油!
你知道嗎? 歐陽娜娜在年僅14歲時,已成功在台各地舉辦巡迴演出,吸引了無數的粉絲前往觀看,音樂會一票難求。同時,她也是有史以來台灣國家兩廳院有史以來年紀最小的獨奏手。現就讀於 世界著名音樂學院- 美國柯蒂斯音樂學院,被世界譽為古典音樂的明日之星。
時間: 3月29日 (星期日) 6:30PM
地點: Esber Recital Hall (Music Building一樓)
票價: TASA會員- $8,非會員- $10,VIP票 (包含最前排座位及帶有歐陽娜娜親筆簽名的自傳) - $25
如果需要訂購VIP票,請直接聯繫Demi Chen - (814) 441-5600.
門票有限,請各位盡早預定 (3/21 11:59PM網絡訂票截止):http://goo.gl/forms/K1dJTyXOQ6
領取門票時間: 3/23-3/27
領取門票地點: HUB
(若沒有網絡訂票,還是可以過來買票的喔! 但是TASA將優先保留網絡訂票的名額,謝謝!)
想了解更多,請登陸TASA的官方Facebook Page:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Hansen Xu (814) 883-0338
Winnie Liu (814) 777-5639