The DCT Program of National Chengchi University invites applications for the position of assistant/associate/full professor from candidates with expertise in one of the following areas: Digital Storytelling, Digital Cultural and Creative Products / Services, New Media Curation, New Media Art, Computer Animation, Interaction Design, User Experience, Digital Soundscape Design, and Game Design . The position will start on August 1, 2017.
Candidates will teach core lecture courses and seminars in digital content related areas at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
Applicants should demonstrate a long-term commitment to excellence in research and teaching in Communication, Design, Art, UXUI, or other related areas. Candidates should be able to do multidisciplinary research and present research findings abroad. Therefore, a record of high-quality research, teaching, and professional experiences in related fields will be highly valued.
Candidates should hold a doctoral degree or have a teacher certificate of assistant professor (or above) issued by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Having published research papers, having taught related courses in universities, or having participated in projects of governments or institutes are important qualifications for the position.
Applicants should supply application materials as follows:
1. A CV along with a cover letter summarizing qualifications for the position
2. A copy of doctoral diploma (For those who have taken all the required courses, passed the Qualifying Exam, defended PhD thesis, but haven’t got the doctoral diploma, you can submit a temporary one. Be sure to acquire your doctoral diploma before the starting date of the position.)
3. An academic transcript of the highest degree (Applicants who have a teacher certificate don’t need to submit a transcript but have to submit a copy of the teacher certificate.)
4. An academic writing portfolio within the past seven years (from August 2010 to July 2017) and 3-5 representative works
5. A statement of long-term research and teaching plans and interests
6. Two sample syllabi (one for undergraduate students and the other for graduate students) which candidates wish to teach
7. A certificate of incumbency, if applicable
8. The names and contact information of two references
9. Applicants who have taught courses in English please attach the course proof.
10. Other certifications or documents that might be a plus
Interested applicants should submit application materials in the PDF format to [email protected] and put all the application materials in an envelope with “Apply for the faculty position of DCT program” on the cover. Be sure to address the envelope as “No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605, Taiwan, The Program of Digital Content & Technologies, National Chengchi University,” and send it before March 20, 2017. Submissions received after the deadline will NOT be considered.
For any further inquiry, please contact [email protected], or call Ms. Kuo at +886-2-29393091 ext.63522.