此次建築聯展的主題為《鏡觀》「Scope-- An Imagination Evoking Medium: Young Taiwanese Designer Architectural Exhibition」。駐紐約辦事處教育組主任張佳琳表示:「教育組在2016年將繼續打造臺灣年輕人的世界舞台,今年首先推出的第一場聯展將呈現建築新銳團隊合作的成果,藉由多元視野的差異性來創造共鳴,激發嶄新的建築創意,歡迎各界蒞臨指導」。「鏡,是一種可以觀察與省思的介質,是建築人的重要視窗」,擔任「2016紐約臺灣建築新人聯展」總召的雪城大學董彥希及策展團隊共同指出:「本次聯展將呈現出建築人的29種的《鏡觀》,以全新的視野呈現建築設計與趨勢」。
「2016紐約台灣建築新人聯展」策展團隊包括總召董彥希、副總召劉紀良、蔣幸娥、活動組長王其萱、宣傳組長楊翔鈞、公關組組長李奕箴,佈展組長黃友婷。展覽開幕當天將舉辦茶會及邀請到知名的美國雪城大學(Syracuse University)建築學院院長Michael Speaks以及普瑞特建築學院(Pratt Institute)教授Michael Su和華盛頓大學(University of Washington)景觀系系主任Jeff Hou就世界建築學術界及業界的趨勢與經驗分享,歡迎各界踴躍出席。活動免費,請先報名,報名網址: http://goo.gl/forms/RAhNzeyc84。
開幕茶會(及講座)時間:2016/1/24 星期日 下午1點
展覽時間: 2016/1/24至2016/2/7
活動網頁: http://twarchiexhibit2016.com
教育組FB: www.facebook.com/edutwny
地點: 駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處
1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
Scope: an imagination evoking medium:Young Taiwanese Architectural Designer Exhibition
The Taipei Economic & Cultural Office Education Division in New York is hosting the 2016 Young Taiwanese Architects Exhibition in New York, opening on January 24th and will last for 2 weeks. The theme of this year is “Scope”. This theme looks at this young generation on how the mindset of these designers reflects the roots of Taiwan and what they have learned and experienced in the city of New York.
2016 Young Taiwanese Architecture Exhibition in New York showcases works of 29 designers originally from Taiwan. This event is host by TECO, coordinated by Yen-Hsi Tung, Hsing-O Chiang, and Peter Liu, including the head of public relations, Yi-Chen Li, head of Graphic/Word Processing and Promoting Jim Yang, and the head of Activities, Chi-Hsuan Wang, The exhibition theme is “Scope”, as a matter to discover, to explore the new territory.
Opening: Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 1:00 PM
1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
On View: January 24, 2016 to February 7, 2016
RSVP: http://goo.gl/forms/RAhNzeyc84
Webpage: http://twarchiexhibit2016.com