NTHU Engineering Technology is an new and interdisciplinary program helping students develop a solid base across fields such as Material Sciences, Power Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.
This design provides students the flexibility to learn engineering knowledge and gradually focus on a specific field with cross-field mobility.
IBP is going to hold an online Engineering Technology Information Session
Date: 2022/03/19 (Sat)
Time: 14:00-16:00 (GMT+8)
Registration: https://forms.gle/vWudFjm7nG2sQxs77
Google meet: meet.google.com/jeb-fmsm-jhm
ET Curriculum: https://ibp.nthu.edu.tw/ertss-table5.html
This design provides students the flexibility to learn engineering knowledge and gradually focus on a specific field with cross-field mobility.
IBP is going to hold an online Engineering Technology Information Session
Date: 2022/03/19 (Sat)
Time: 14:00-16:00 (GMT+8)
Registration: https://forms.gle/vWudFjm7nG2sQxs77
Google meet: meet.google.com/jeb-fmsm-jhm
ET Curriculum: https://ibp.nthu.edu.tw/ertss-table5.html